
PASCH Ingurumena Emakunde


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Our students of 2nd Bto could take part in a very special workshop about emotional intelligence last Monday 25, by Esther Díaz, Head of Admissions in IE university, Madrid campus and our former student Teresa Artaza.

We reflected on the main principles of emotional intelligence, which  is defined by the ability to understand and manage our emotions and those around us. This quality gives individuals a variety of skills, such as the ability to manage relationships, navigate social networks, influence and inspire others. Every individual possesses different levels, but in order for individuals to become effective leaders, they’ll need a high level of emotional intelligence.  In today’s workplace, it has become a highly important factor for success, influencing productivity, efficiency and team collaboration.

These principles are the following:

1/Knowing one’s emotions

2/Managing emotions

3/Motivating oneself

4/Recognizing emotions

5/Handling relationships

Principles that have been proved to play a critical role in the overall quality of the personal in nowadays companies and make the difference when talking about a good leader, the one who accomplish a good level of emotional intelligence.

After the workshop, the students could listen to our former student Teresa Artaza, who is currently studying her double degree in law and international relationships in English in IE university. She talked about her experiences and the opportunities that the IE university is providing her. She recommended the 12th grade students to visit Segovia and Madrid campus during the open days to get to know the university better.

The 2nd Bto students were accompanied throughout the lecture and workshop by the Economy teacher Blanca López and the English teacher Conchi Jauregui.

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